360° tours, Locus photography
and training
By booking our services, workshops, 1-2-1's or courses, you agree to the following cancellation terms and conditions. All cancellations must be submitted in writing via our email address: training@360vsltd.uk
Will 360VirtualServices (360VS) share my information?
We will not share your information, contact details or any other information relating to you or your location, without express permission.
Will 360VS use images taken during the course of a project they are undertaking on my behalf in any other way?
We may use some imagery for promotional purposes, however, this will be examined to ensure we are not identifying you or your location and business. We will contact you before doing so and we will ensure such data is redacted or changed to fictitious data, unless you wish your details to be shared.
How long will 360VS retain data relating to me or a 360° project undertaken on my behalf?
We will retain all data for a period of 12 months, after which the data relating to personal identification will be reviewed. Whilst some contact data will be retained (name, contact number and business) on a client database, no data relating to the work carried out, costs or interactions from you (emails etc) will be retained.
How long will you host my project?
The length of time that we will host a project will depend upon the type of project and your business. For example, projects relating to property sales, will typically be hosted for up to 12 months. For businesses such as residential homes, museums and resale we will typically host the project for up to 24 months unless otherwise agreed. In any case, we will review projects with clients and if they wish to extend the hosting process beyond our normal time limits we can do so at a nominal charge.
Can I use the imagery and tours for any advertising or promotional projects relating to my business?
In short yes. Whilst 360VS owns the copyright for all materials produced, we have clearly provided it to you for such use and we, therefore, allow you to use all the materials we have provided in advertising and promoting your business or services, providing acknowledgement to 360VS is given. Such authority, however, does not extend to other third parties, without expressed and prior permission, in writing, from us. This means that should you circulate imagery and tours to clients or other persons or agencies, they must not use it or any part thereof in any other form, without our permission.
So, I can use the material you supply, but do I own it?
The material supplied to you is licensed to you to use in perpetuity and this is included in the original cost of the project. However, the material is subject to copyright and intellectual ownership, which is held by 360VS.
In respect to training, what is different to the above conditions?
We will not share your details with any third party. We will, however, if you are attending training paid for by your employer, share certain information with them. In such circumstances we may pass on copies of marks and certificates. Any feedback we provide to you may also be shared, if they apply for such data in writing. We will also supply data if required to do so for a judicial enquiry.
Will you keep any payment details?
No, other than in respect to processing payments, once the payment has been made successfully, any details held by us will be destroyed.
What about other personal data?
On occasions, where we request you complete an emergency contact form for a course, (this may include details of a next of kin, SEN's, doctors surgery contact, or details of allergies) the data will be held for the duration of the course. Once the course is concluded the data will be destroyed.
In the event that I cannot attend a course or training, will I get a refund?
Providing you cancel a workshop or 1-2-1 training with at least 14 working days notice, you will receive a full refund. In the event that it can be rescheduled we will offer this as an option. If we cancel the event, we will offer a refund or the option of rescheduling the session.
If the course is of 2 or more days duration, a full refund will be provided if you cancel at least two months in advance. A refund of 80% of the total cost will be provided, if you cancelled 4-8 weeks in advance. No refund will be provided if a cancellation occurs within 4 weeks of such a course commencement date. In all circumstances should you fail to cancel and/or not attend, we will not provide a refund, however, we will try to reschedule to another date.
Cancellation by Organisers
We reserve the right to cancel workshops, 1-2-1's and courses for any reason, including, but not limited to, unforeseen circumstances or insufficient participants. In the event of such a cancellation, participants will receive a full refund, or the option of an alternative date. We will not be responsible for any additional expenses incurred by participants, such as travel or accommodation costs.
Force Majeure
We will not be held liable for any cancellation or delays due to circumstances beyond our control, this includes, but is not limited to, natural disasters, political unrest, or health crises. In such cases, the we will attempt to reschedule the workshop, 1-2-1 or course, or provide an alternative option.
Changes to the Itinerary
The published itinerary may be subject to change, based on weather conditions, availability, and other factors. While every effort will be made to adhere to the original plan, we reserve the right to make adjustments as needed.
Should you require clarification in respect to the above conditions or anything not covered, please contact us. We recognise that all cases are unique and thus we will endeavour to ensure you get the material you need in the way you need it, with sensible and sympathetic conditions.